Displayschutz Folie für RN 70

  • #11

    Laut SpeedoAngels ein paar Tropfen auf 100ml. Wenn Du nur 30ml anrührst, sollte 1 Tropfen reichen.

    Kommentar von Speedo:


    vor 1 Jahr

    They don't say how to make the soap solution. I guess it is just a few drops of liquid dish soap in 100ml or so of water?



    Speedo Angels ·1 Antwort AIdro_nh4LAJdx6aOhfis1gKbFzRWxQYHuQ4J4yCN8ZN=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj


    vor 1 Jahr

    We include a note about how to make the soap solution as part of the wet fit instructions we provide in the kits. But yes, a few drops of dish soap in 100ml of water would be fine.

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