Beiträge von Wolfes
on one side yes ..... but some are on the way , not to comply with the standard , to understand the MT philosophy ... but some have it well understood , to make the different, not only on the bike, its a live style to live
Whats happen with the dark side of germany, what we think here about the dark side with the MT live stil philosophie!
[quote='MT-Mike']yo..schwarzer Rahmen hat schon was..gell
Yes, the black bike understand whats happen with the MT-
philosophy"The dark side of japan" so many are only so boring and original.....hats off! -
Yes I know, but I tell....later is a slick!
yes yes look`s great with orange colour design for the MT, its Super.......
WoW WoW the handling and the look is perfekt for this bike but after 9000 Km its a slick Killer he eh
what else......with out Killer......its the greatest Sound for the MT, its music